Article in “NDG Monitor” January 29, 1948
QRFU Decide on 4 New Grid Rules
At an executive meeting of the QRFU held at he Sun Life building it was decided to recommend four new rulings at the next general meeting of the organization.
1. The 10 yards interference ahead of the line of scrimmage ruling shall now be permanent
2. A forward pass shall be ruled complete even though it does not pass over the line of scrimmage.
3. No player of the attacking side shall be considered onside on a kick except the kicker of the attacking side. (To abolish onside kick)
4. Wherever possible backfielders and ends shall be given odd numbers and balance of men on line of scrimmage even numbers. This facilitates the identification of blockers and eligible passers.
Article in “NDG Monitor” September 2, 1948
NDG Junior Maple Leafs Need Better Facilities
Many Replacements Needed to Fill Ranks of Last Year’s Prov. Champs
Every night at Trenholme Park practices for this years’s NDG Maple Leafs Rugby team are being carried out, with many replacements needed for last year’s Provincial Championship squad. This year a Dominion Junior Title will be held, which adds to the importance of the Junior football standing, yet facilities in the local area for building up a Junior team are surprisingly poor.
In the first palce, there are no lights at Trenholme Park so that practices can only last until nightfall, and in addition to this, the palyers are unable to talke a shower after a stiff workout for there are no facilities such as this at the Trenholme Park lot.
Nevertheless the executive and coaches are building up a strong group of players to fulfill the vacancies left from last year’s powerful squad. Among those missing are: George Valois, who is expected to play for McGill this year, Danny Johnson who joined the Rockland squad, Pete Sembenelli, now living in Toronto, Al Smith, studying at MacDonald College, White and Epstein still working out with the Alouettes, and Edgar Mott, Don McQuestion, George McCullough, George Bossy and Mike Daly are too old to play this season. Iredale will be off for the beginning of the year, but will be returning before the season is over.
NDG Maple Leafs will be the first team to see action for the season when they face Westmount at the NDG grounds on September 25; and on Oct 9 they will face Rosemount on NDG grounds.
On the 16th of October they will wind up their year in a game with New York Fashions of Verdun played in the Verdun area, after which the playoffs will commence.
Another aim of the local executive is to have their home games played at LCC or Loyola College, where an admission fee could be charged. The fee would be small, for even at a very minimum charge, it would, if there was any crowd present at all, be larger than the money presently collected by passing around a box during the game.
As it is, a great deal of new equipment is needed to field this year’s team, and as the executives are looking out for all the help they can possibly muster from the citizens of the district, to make this team a well-equipped and strong contender for the Provincial and this year the Dominion Championships.
Harry Lawrence is the President of the Club, while his son Gordon Lawrence, along with Sol Mastro and Bill Davies are looking after the coaching duties at present. Others that are helping the club out are Harold Hayes and Jim Coates, and the executive are calling on all other people who would like to help out in making the team a big success, to drop down to the practices held at Trenholme Park every night from Monday through Friday.
Article from NDG Monitor Sept. 9, 1948
Fashions Drill Nightly For Rotary Game, Sept. 17
By Chuck Rountree
Coach George Elson is busy these days preparing his New York Fashions junior gridders for the Rotary Bowl game a week tomorrow night at Molson's Stadium against the Toronto Argo Juniors.
After the loss suffered by Lou Hayman's Alouettes at the hands of the older brothers of the junior Argos, Fashions will be out to bring back the honour of Montreal footballdom.
Two coloured lads will spark the '48 Fashion backfield this year. They are Ritchie Lord and Ray “Smiley' Skerret. Lord was with Westmount High Senior `A' Interscholastic team last year. He weighs in at 155 pounds and is very fast.
Skerret outweighs his former rival by 30 pounds and stands two inches taller. Ray played last year with Fashion juveniles and with Montreal High. With the latter, he was chosen to the Interscholastic Senior `A' All-Star backfield and well he deserved it, running 85 yards to a touchdown on one occasion.
Other backfielders are Bob “Bullet” Pugh who at quarter needs no introduction to Verdun grid fans, Ed “Whizzer” McLeod, Gary McLean and Frank Jotkus, last year with Rosemount juniors.
From Mustang juveniles of last season come Grant Halpin, backfielder and a good plunger. Along the line we find Don Baxter signed for the snap position; Herb Holmes of Fashion juniors last year; Jack Boyce of Mustangs; Russ Dutton up from the juveniles, Wally Liddell, Gord Niddre, Bernie MaAvoy all of Mustang juveniles last season and probably Keith Marsden, Geoff Marshall and John Hiltz of last year's squad. Marsden recently returned from Los Angeles where he played for Belmont High School.
Coach Elson, with assistants Mel Clarke and Jim Greene, has called heavy practices for every night this week in order to have the boys in tip-top shape for the exhibition encounter. Already he has signed half his squad and the others will be signed by tonight.
Article in “NDG Monitor” September 23, 1948
NDG Maple Leafs Look for Second Win on Saturday
Face Eastward Entry for First Place Honours
Last Week’s Contest With Westmount a Thrilling Affair as Locals Wipe Out 16-0 Deficit
By Mel James
Coach Sol Mastro of NDG Junior Maple Leafs Football squad didn’t spare a word of rebuff during the halfway mark in the opening game of the Junior QRFU on Saturday, and this along with Quarterback Jimmy Britton’s remark about the gang not being used to playing on a losing team, must have done the trick to upset Westmount 18-16 after they had piled up a 16-0 lead early in the third quarter.
During the week the boys have really been put through their paces for Saturday’s game with Eastward which will decide the first place holders, as Eastward downed the Rosemount entry last Sunday thereby making them tied in first place with the NDG squad.
Last Saturday the big crowd that turned out to see the game played at Lower Canada College Grounds couldn’t have seen a more thrilling comeback as Bob Gibson heaved a touchdown pass to break NDG into the scoring column. It was not a tremendous forward pass like his second touchdown pass but Dick Migneault was on his toes to nab the ball and race 20 yards for the major. Fergus Gunn converted his first of the three touchdowns scored and after the last quarter change of field was made, Bob Gibson tossed another pass, this one about twenty five yards which Sammy Salvatore caught in his midsection while standing across the line looking down the field. Fergie put in another point.
Winning Touchdown
Late in the third quarter, Bill Bastien sidestepped his way through a maze of Westmount boys to score the winning major. Fergus booted his third consecutive convert although at the time he was playing with a bad charley-horse.
The game was rough in many spots with Jeff Adams, a Maple Leaf end, being banished from the contest early in the second half. Westmount looked a powerful crew in the opening half when they marched down the field after NDG kicked off and scored their first major within a matter of minutes. Bill “Red” McLeod was the ball carrier for the major. Then Ernie Dooley made it 10-0 when he plunged over the line on the second play as the second quarter opened and they again failed to convert, though Jack Patterson found the range afterwards for two field goals and made the Maple Leafs look like a lost cause.
Drilling Hard
This week Solly Mastro has been drilling them hard because he doesn’t like to see games pulled out of the fire in that fashion. He like the team to take the lead and add to it or at least hold it so that in order to have all the players gunned up for the high flying encounter with the Eastward squad, he’s putting them through stiff workouts. The game will be played in the eastend, the Maple Leafs not playing at LCC until October 9th when they tackle the Rosemount squad on their home gridiron.
Starting lineups for Westmount game:
NDG Westmount
Flying Wing Mignault Wardrop
Halves Bastien Danaher
Cook Strike, Cal
Gunn Patterson, Pat
Quarterbacks Britton McGillis
Insides Bunker Hicks, Nelson
Lecesse McLeod, Bill “Red”
Middle Jones Greenbaum, Marvin
Mallinson Jackson
Snaps Dunn Dudley, Jack
Outsides Gorloff Cox, Peter
Salvatore Headon
Subs Adams Hickman
Olson Young, Wenty
Wilkinson Brunt
Bartlett Dever
Gibson Wright
Cornforth Binmore, Ray
Lehman Desmond
Raza Morrison
Butler Wallace
Birmingham Hood
Mulvaney Hawsack
L. Jones Topping
Trudeau Boxer
Dermer Root, Claude
Article in “NDG Monitor” September 30, 1948
Maple Leafs Lead QRFU Junior League Standings
NDG Squad Defeat Eastward Entry 14-0
Gordie Raza Sparks Locals to Victory as Bill Bastien Leads Scoring Race
NDG Junior Maple Leafs jumped to first place in the Junior QRFU Standings on Saturday when they downed the Eastward squad 14-0 with Gordie Raza sparking the local attack all the way. The Maple Leafs scored a major early in the first quarter when Murphy of Eastward failed to get a kick away and they lost possession of the ball on their own 1-yard line. From here Billy Bastien swept around the end on the second down and so moved up as the top scorer in the league. Fergus Gunn once more converted the major making his fourth consecutive point through his well placed kick. After a scoreless second quarter, NDG went on to capture two points in the third quarter and then salted the game away in the final fifteen minutes when Bob Gibson tossed another neat pass for another major and Bill Bastien kicked a single. The two-point safety touch came in the opening minute of the third quarter when Murphy received the bad snap that rolled behind the line. Bert Dunn and Jeff Adams swept in on the ball carrier and caught him well behind the line. Referee Frank Oley didn’t signify as to who made the tackle for the two point credit.
In the final quarter, Raza, who had played a standout ballgame all afternoon, excelled himself by intercepting a pass thown by Murphy, running it back 20 yards and then moments later catching a long pass from Bob Gibson to score a major. Gordie brought the ball down to the Eastward 30 yard line on the intercepted pass. NDG failed to make a first down on two attempts, so Billy Bastien replaced Fergus Gunn as kicker, after Gunn aggravated a knee injury, booted one behind the Eastward line. They booted it back, and Bob Gibson took the kick on the Eastward twenty yard stripe.
On the next play, with NDG in postion, Bob threw his third touchdown pass of the season when Gordie raza received the ball and went over for the touchdown. The convert attempt by Gunn, who came back in the game for the kick only, was blocked. Late in the last quarter, Billy Bastien, also a top star of the afternoon, booted a long kick to the deadline, giving NDG a 14-point advantage. Eastward's Murphy, who along with Ted Letang, played a fine game for the losers, tossed three first down forwards in a row, as the minutes ticked away. His fourth attempt was intercepted by Wilkinson, and Jimmy Britton, the NDG quarterback, tossed a forward to Raza who carried the ball to the Eastward 10 yard line before the game ended.
Bert Dunn and Moe Bremner tossed out of the ball game…Sammy Salvatore played a fine game at end…he threw one Eastward ball carrier right over his shoulder, with his hard tackling…Bill Trudeau and Jack Cornforth, playing steady ball in the middle area…Bert Jones hurt his shoulder during the second quarter…Billy Bastien leading the league scoring race with 11 points…Jack Patterson of Westmount has six, while Dick Mignault, Sammy Salvatore, and Gordie Raza of NDG, Ray Skerret of Fashions and Chuck Rose of Eastward follow with five apiece. Fergy Gunn comes next with four and after that there is a toss-up as to who got the two points in the safety touch on an Eastward fumble with Jeff Adams and Bert Dunn, both there to meet the ball carrier at the same time…Gordie Laurena and Solly Mastro giving a combined pep talk at halftime on Saturday. Next Local Game This week NDG are scheduled to play in a league encounter, and it is believed that no exhibition game will be played unless all the injuries are completely healed. A week from Saturday, NDG will play hosts to Rosemount for their third league contest. The game will be played at Lower Canada College, starting at 2:15 p.m.
Article from "NDG Monitor" October 7, 1948
Maple Leafs Have 2nd Home Game on Sat. at L.C.C.
New Players in Line-up For Important Contest With Rosemount Club
The NDG Maple Leafs, strengthened by three new halfbacks and one more flying wing, will be out to register their third straight win on Saturday when they tackle the cellar dwelling Rosemount squad at Lower Canada College.
The new additions to the local squad are: Bill Findley, Moe Richardson and Mike Fett in the backfield and Petras will hold down a flying wing position.
For the Rosemount tilt, which starts at 2:15 p.m., Fergus Gunn and Jack Cook will be on the sidelines on account of injuries. Gunn, who's picked up four points through converts in the two league games so far, aggravated a knee injury while playing against Eastward two weeks ago and although he could manage to play both coaches want to make sure of the injury healing before the following and final game with Verdun one week later. The same applies with Jack Cook, another halfback who has played steady ball all season.
NDG are presently tied for the league leadership, sharing the honours with Verdun fashions, both having won their first two starts. A win for NDG on Saturday will once more put them to the top of the league standing, but if they lose, NDG will end up in second place behind either Eastward, who have three points now, or Verdun, who play Eastward on Sunday.
It is the last home game for the Maple Leafs during the regular season's play, and vitally important to the local squad that they win.
Article from "NDG Monitor" October 14, 1948
NDG Maple Leafs - Verdun Fashions Clash on Sat.
Teams Now Tied for First After Week-end Victories
Cliff Lehman, Billy Bastien Score Majors As Locals Win 12-6 Over Rosemount Bombers Last Saturday
by Mel James
Saturday's forthcoming contest between the NDG Maple Leafs of the Junior QRFU and the Verdun New York Fashions promises to be the battle of the year, as both teams are tied for first place at present, each having won their first three starts.
The game will be played at LaFrance Park in Verdun, with NDG the visitors for this important fixture, the final league game of the season.
Fashions have amassed 39 points for and 16 points against while the Maple Leafs have scored a total of 44 points and let 22 marks go up against them. Both teams have played the same opposition to date, so it promises to be the junior QRFU classic of the year.
On Saturday the Maple Leafs looked good in the first half of their encounter with Eastward, finally routing them 12-6. The local squad piled up a 12-0 lead in the first half on touchdowns by Cliff Lehman and Billy Bastien, but in the second half, noticeably the fourth quarter, the Rosemount Bombers kept the ball in NDG territory and more than once threatened to wipe away the big lead.
The Bombers pressed at the opening until Cliff Lehman intercepted a Doug Tait pass and raced 50 yards to the Bomber 20 yard line. On Maple Leaf's second down the Bombers took the ball away on another intercepted forward, and then were forced to kick on their third play. The kick was short, coming down to Gordie Raza who ran it back 15 yards, and then made it first down on the next play. Newcomer Bill Findley moved the ball up to the three-yard line, and Cliff Lehman crashed over the line standing up for the major. Cliff then stepped back and booted the convert for the extra point putting the local squad up 6-0.
The ball changed hands several times after that with both teams recovering fumbles and kicking out of danger on their third down. Then NDG got possession of the ball about 30 yards from the goal line, and after two unsuccessful attempts to make it first down, they tried a pass. Bob Gibson faded back and heaved a 35-yard pass to Billy Bastien who went over the line standing up for the second major of the afternoon.
The convert failed, but before the quarter ended, Rosemount fumbled a ball that Jack Birmingham kicked over the goal line and there a Rosemount player fell on it. The point was given Birmingham and scored as a rouge.
Intercepted Pass
Early in the second half, Shaw who along with Tait played a fine game for the Bombers intercepted one of Bobby Gibson's passes at his own 50 yard line and race the remaining 60 yards for the major. Hiscock converted the major and from that point on, the NDG squad fought with their backs to the wall as Rosemount tried desperately to pull the game out of the bag. A strong NDG line managed to save the cause for the local squad, as the backfield were unable to run the ball out of their own territory when they did manage to get possession of it.
In the dying minutes of the game, Tait heaved a pass that brought the ball back to the NDG 15 yard line, but the green and white squad managed to hold them in check and win the victory.
Grid Gossip
Both coaches, Solly Mastro and Gordie Lawrence are working the boys hard this week in preparation for the Fashion game on Saturday…newcomers Mike Fett and Bill Findlay played some fine ball on Saturday and look like good additions to the squad…Bob Tredale, a last year's star at end was back in the lineup and he too promises to return to last year's good form…At half time the old teamsters of last year were glad to hear that George Valois had scored a touchdown in the McGill-Queens game…he played with the local squad last year, and was in fact the big gun in their win over Fashions of last year, when he pounced on two Verdun fumbles and then carried them over the line for majors…the score then 10-3…Bill Trudeau, Jack Cornforth, Hank Dermer, Cliff Mallinson all played steady games on the line…Bruce Jones dislocated his shoulder in the first quarter. Possibly out for rest of season…Fergus Gunn out of action for the game, with Billy Bastien and Jack Birmingham taking over the kicking chores for him…incidentally Billy Bastien is leading the league in points, having collected 16 to date, while behind him is Eddy McLeod of Fashions whose double touchdown on Sunday brought him up to a 14 point total…no other player on the Maple Leafs have scored more than one touch so far, and Bob Gibson still hasn't broken into the scoring column though he'd tossed four touchdown passes to date.
Article in "NDG Monitor" October 21, 1948
Maple Leafs - Eastward In Semi-Final Clash on Sat.
Sudden Death Contest To Be Played At LCC
Findlay, Gibson Score Majors as Locals Down Verdun Fashions 14-6, Remain Undefeated
by Mel James
NDG MAPLE LEAFS swept through their four game junior QRFU schedule without a defeat, but they all know that the championship is still far from being in the bag as they make preparations for the Eastward semi-final contest to be played in Lower Canada College grounds this Saturday. Their last game with Eastward proved a good game for the local squad who gained 14 points without a reply, but every player is rehearsing for the coming battle on Saturday, hoping that they can once more down the east-end contenders. On Saturday last, The Maple Leafs looked their finest this season as they blasted the Verdun Fashions squad 14-6.
Fashions failed to look as good as expected, for the MAPLE LEAFS crashed through their line on many occasions to stop the Verdun squad from gaining ground. Over 2,000 people witnessed the defeat of the Verdun squad as Jim Birmingham opened the scoring in the first quarter with a boot to the deadline, and “Cec” Findley crashing through the line early in the second quarter when Fashions lost possession of the ball on their own one-yard line. This touchdown virtually killed the spirit of the losing club. From the snap, the ball hit the Fashion goal post and they failed to kick the ball out of danger zone, thereby paving the way for Findley's touchdown. Cliff Lehman converted.
Late in the same quarter three passes from Jimmy Britton to Birmingham set the local squad up for another major but time ran out with the ball sitting on the Fashion three-yard line.
Midway in the third quarter, Sammy Salvatore swamped Bob Pugh, the Verdun quarterback, as he went behind his own goal line to recover a bad snap. This was the second bad snap that the MAPLE LEAFS made good use of, picking up two points on this play to make them a lead of 9-0.
In the same quarter, Billy Bastien, who ended up as high scorer of the league, swept around the right end for a touchdown, but the play was called back on an offside. On the next play he went 15 yards around the same end, then Cecil Findley brought the ball down to the three-yard stripe and Bobby Gibson went over for the major on a quarterback sneak. The convert failed, and Verdun then put on the pressure, with Jack Boyce, who started for the losers finally hitting pay dirt for five points. Garry McLean converted, and Verdun tried desperately with some fine passes by Bobby Pugh to snatch the game away from the local boys. Time ran out however, and the ball ended up in midfield with NDG holding on to their eight-point lead.
Grid Gossip
On Saturday the whole team will be playing except Bruce Jones who is out for the season…this means Fergus Gunn will see action, and also Bert Cook, both out for the last two games… Billy Bastien scored 16 points to win the league scoring race…Bob Gibson finally scored a touchdown after getting credit for heaving four major passes during the previous three games…Brian Mulvaney played a fine game on the line, blocking a kick and getting in on a good many tackles… Sammy Salvatore playing another fine game…during the half he remarked that the Fashion player was very nice to him, he always stepped out of the way…Andy Lecesse made some good tackles during Saturday's contest…Cliff Mallinson doing some of the placement kicking last week…Coaches Solly Mastro and Gordie Lawrence pleased with the Saturday performance and hoping they can keep it up this Saturday at LCC.
Article in "NDG Monitor" October 28, 1948
Maple Leafs - Westmount Tangle For Title Saturday
Locals Down Eastward 2-0 T Enter Finals
Championship Game to be played at LCC
Sammy Salvatore Starred In Eastward Battle
by Mel James
The Junior QRFU battle of the year will take place 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon, when NDG Maple Leafs tangle with the Westmount Squad for the title at the Lower Canada College ground. The local squad is hoping to rack up their sixth straight victory that will carry them on to a Championship bid against an Ontario team the following week.
Meanwhile the Westmount boys are priming themselves for the big game in an effort to capture the crown held by NDG for the past two years, and also to avenge their defeat of the first game of the season when they bowed to the local squad 18-16, after holding a 16 point edge midway in the third quarter.
The two teams meet as a result of their semi-final wins last weekend, when NDG downed the Eastward entry 2-0 at Lower Canada College grounds, and Westmount went to Verdun to trim the Fashions 17-5.
Saturday's contest with Eastward proved the toughest game of the season for the local squad, as Eastward made a determined bid to oust the favourites. The game was mostly played a centre field, with both teams only penetrating behind the opposition's 25 yard line on a few occasions.
Safety Touch Only Score
The MAPLE LEAFS kicked off to start the close, hard fought battle, and were unable to rack up a score until the final minute of the first half. After Billy Bastien intercepted a pass in sensational style and ran 35 yards to the Eastward 25 yard stripe, and Jimmy Britton tossed two first down passes to Jimmy Birmingham in a row, placing the ball on the Eastward three yard line, the local squad fumbled and Eastward recovered. With the minute flag up, and only seconds remaining in the first half, Eastward tried to run the ball out on the snap behind the line, but Sammy Salvatore, who played a brilliant game throughout, swept in to make the tackle on Letang, the ball carrier, and this meant a two point safety touch, the only score of the game.
Both teams tried desperately to score during the second half of the contest, but neither was able to do so. One of the main reasons was the amount of penalties given out by the referee who called every bad play, and more ground was covered by the penalties in the second half than the players did themselves. NDG held a slight edge in yards gained throughout the contest, while the Eastward kicker over-shadowed our two punters in the total yards gained through kicking.
Grid Gossip
The penalties in last week's contest made most of the players see red, but when Bill Wilkinson, the snap, was penalized for being offside, the boys nearly roared with laughter. They're still trying to figure out how the man snapping the ball can be offside…Billy Bastien's catch on an Eastward pass was the picture play of the game as he virtually picked it up off his shoelaces while on the run and then carried it for 35 yards…Jimmy Britton got a patch over his right eye when he was smacked down by an Eastward tackler…Fergie Gunn hopes to see action this week…after his leg was just getting better he fell down a flight of stairs and had to stay out of uniform again last week…Bruce Jones watched the game from the sidelines with his arm still in a sling…Bob Gibson who starred in last week's fray proved he could take plenty of punishment as he jumped up time after time after receiving some heavy tackles…Butler turned in his best game to date, and Findley sparked many ground attacks for the local squad…Gordie Lawrence and Solly Mastro both agreeing that last week's contest was too close for comfort all the way through…A small crowd attended the semi-final but all football fans should be on hand this Saturday with the Bunny Sabbath Memorial trophy and a crack at an Ontario team in the offing for the locals if they win.
Article in "NDG Monitor" November 4, 1948
Maple Leafs Ousted From Junior QRFU Championship
Westmount Capture Title With Thrilling 8-7 Win
Gordie Raza Stars, NDG Drop 7-0 Lead to Lose First Game in 2 Years
by Mel James
After piling up a 7-0 lead in the first half, NDG Maple Leafs bowed out of their bid for the third straight Junior QRFU Championship, as Westmount roared back in the second half to score eight points and win the ball game.
It was a thriller all the way as NDG racked up a single in the opening quarter when Petras tackled a Westmount ball carrier behind the line after Fergus Gunn had missed his try for a field goal from 40 yards out. Then in the dying minutes of the first quarter Gordie Raza, who played an outstanding game for the losers, set up the play for a major when he carried around end for 50 yards, finally being tackled at the nine yard line. On the second down, Cec Findley went over for the major, while the attempted convert went wide of the mark. Before the quarter ended, Cliff Olsen got credit for another NDG point as he rouged a Westmount player behind the line after Jimmy Birmingham had booted a long one.
In the second half things reversed as Westmount began to move the yardsticks. Then a costly fumble by NDG proved the deciding factor as Westmount recovered on the three yard line, and Earnie Duley, who played a great game for the newly crowned champions, crashed through the line for the major. The convert attempt was good putting Westmount just one point behind, and this was soon evened up when Bastien was rouged by Pete Cox on Maruska's kick.
With the score even, both teams tried desperately to drive over the winning point. A reverse play by Westmount proved the break of the game for Westmount as they collected 40 yards and placed the ball on the ten-yard stripe. Two attempts to run the ball over for a major failed, but George Strike booted a single point to the deadline that proved to be the winning point of the game. In the final three minutes of the game Bob Gibson hurled passes to try and put his team back in the running, but they went incomplete and Westmount copped the title for 1948. They will play Hamilton on Saturday at the Delormier Stadium, the winner gaining a chance to enter the Eastern Final against another Ontario team.
Grid Gossip
It was a group of sad faced ball players that trooped into the Trenholme Park dressing room after the game…they realized that one can't win them all, but wished they had lost one of the league games instead of the championship one…When one thinks these points over one can't blame them…for they went undefeated in five starts this year, beating everything in their path and then to lose to a club that had only picked up three points in four league games.
President Harry Lawrence said he hoped the Westmount entry would make out OK in the Hamilton Game for it would be a good thing to see a Quebec team in the Eastern finals, but he was critical of the present system of the QRFU play-offs.
“Only the two top teams in the league should gain the right to a play-off birth”, he said, and these two teams should play a home and home total point series for the title.” He was emphatic in stating that if the same system prevails he will not enter into the play-offs, because under the present standards it is not fair to the team…He also announced that the team would not be entering into play for the Levine trophy, which is played for every year.
Sportively Speaking by George Cochrane
The number one item on the local gridiron menu for this weekend is the Westmount-Hamilton Wildcats Eastern Canada Junior play-off tilt at what Al Parsley many moons ago termed Delormier Downs. The purple and white, which hail from the garden suburb to our immediate east, will play host to the highly rated Ontario invaders Saturday afternoon. With no other major attractions (both McGill and Alouettes are away) this game should draw well.
The Westmounters pulled off somewhat of an upset last Saturday when the downed NDG MAPLE LEAFS 8-7 to win the provincial championship. The Westmounters lost two games in the course of their regular schedule; the NDG larrigans none.
There is, of course, a bright side to the picture. It's a bad thing for any league to have a team win the laurels season after season. The Maple Leafs dominated the picture in '46 and '47. It's only right that some other team should be in the spotlight in '48. It should mean that the local lads will begin practicing next fall with a lot more zest. They'll have that hungry feeling.
Brian Tiffin, bright young Westmounter who is the Purple and White juniors number one publicity man, got his poetic muse working this week and came up with these lines:
On the gridiron of old Westmount
A triumphant warrior stands.
He represents a fighting team
Who pleased the local fans
This warrior is not a man -
No mortal could hold this role -
He's the symbol of Westmount spirit.
Who finally reached his goal.
So, when you speak of Westmount,
And show your civic pride,
Talk not of trivial matters,
There are champions on your side!
To which Sol Maestro, Jack Lawrence will doubtlessly snarl: “Wait `til next year.”